Construction accounting is not easy and requires far more effort than the majority of contractors realize.


Strategic construction bookkeeping is as different from standard bookkeeping as a person who owns a fancy dog house is from a professional remodel contractor!
a maintenance worker cleaning the gutter

Professional remodel contractors have often told us how they feel about contractors who work for cheap or unlicensed ones that consistently underbid them for new projects. They sometimes try to warn customers about how the excitement of low price fades when customers realize these cheap and unlicensed contractors have done a shoddy job.

Sometimes customers call professional remodel contractors later in a bid to try to have them fix all of the mistakes and bad construction left behind by the budget company. The result is that the customer often ends up paying more money and the job takes even longer than it would have if they had hired a professional remodel contractor in the first place.

The same problem arises when construction company owners shop for bookkeeping and accounting services assuming that all accountants and bookkeepers offer the same services.

Here is what you can expect from our strategic construction accounting and bookkeeping services:

  • QuickBooks Online (cloud-based accounting software)

  • QuickBooks Online Setup

  • QuickBooks Reporting

  • Cloud-based Document Storage

  • Contractor Invoicing

  • Retention Tracking System

Tax Planning and Compliance

Equipment and Tool Depreciation:
For A/C and electrical contractors, maximize your deductions by strategically depreciating equipment and tools using IRS Tax Code Section 179 regulations. From high-efficiency HVAC systems to specialized electrical tools, we tailor your tax strategy to reflect the unique assets in your trade.

Material Costs and Work Vehicles Deductions:
Painting contractors, we can optimize your deductions by carefully tracking material costs and expenses related to work vehicles, including fuel costs and upkeep expenses. We ensure you capture every eligible deduction, increasing your overall tax savings every year.

Plumbing Fixture and System Credits:
For plumbing contractors, we work through the complexities of tax credits for installing energy-efficient plumbing fixtures and systems. We guide you through the process to ensure compliance while capitalizing on available Colorado and federal incentives.

Contractor Accounting

Project Costing For A/C and Electrical Projects:
A/C and electrical contractors, we’re here to help you streamline project costing. We implement accounting solutions that help you track costs specific to each project, ensuring accurate financial records and profitability analysis.

Paint Usage and Job Costing Analysis:
Painting contractors, we ensure that you have control over paint usage and job costing. Our accounting tools provide insights into material consumption and project-specific costs, allowing for more accurate bidding and pricing strategies.

Plumbing Fixture Cost Tracking:
Plumbing contractors let us work with you to implement internal systems to track the costs of plumbing fixtures. Whether it's high-efficiency water heaters or eco-friendly plumbing systems, we ensure precise cost tracking for enhanced financial management.

Industry-Specific Challenges

Electrical Code Adherence:
Electrical contractors must address the challenges of electrical code adherence, which often change as technological advancements occur. We guide our clients to ensure your projects meet industry standards, avoiding potential compliance issues.

Lead-Safe Painting Practices:
Painting contractors must implement lead-safe practices. We guide you through compliance with lead paint regulations, promoting both safety and regulatory adherence in your residential and commercial painting projects.

Plumbing Permits and Inspection Protocols:
Plumbing contractors rely on us to streamline permitting and inspection protocols. We assist in ensuring your plumbing projects adhere to local regulations, avoiding delays and compliance issues.

Profitability Improvement

Efficient Project Bidding for A/C and Electrical Contractors:
A/C and electrical contractors can improve their project bidding strategy with our comprehensive suite of services. We provide financial analysis tools to assess project costs accurately, giving you a competitive edge in the bidding process.

Painting Color Consultancy Services:
Painting contractors can diversify their service offerings with color consultancy. We assist in determining if you can financially afford to expand your services to include color consultations, adding value to your painting projects and increasing client satisfaction.

Plumbing Energy-Saving Solutions:
Plumbing contractors can add value to their packages by promoting energy-saving solutions. We guide you in offering eco-friendly plumbing options, aligning your business with IRS-focused sustainability trends, and meeting the demand for environmentally conscious services.

If you want to save more of your earnings and grow your construction company, you need Accounting 4 Business LLC. Construction accounting is not easy and requires far more effort than the majority of contractors realize. The value to your company is also insurmountable. Call us today at (616) 430-5231 to schedule your free consultation.